Membranes, nanostructures and cellular engineering
Korenjak B, Tratenšek A, Arko M, Romolo A, Hočevar M, Kisovec M, Berry M, Bedina Zavec A, Drobne D, Vovk T, Iglič A, Nemec Svete A, Erjavec V, Kralj-Iglič V Assessment of Extracellular Particles Directly in Diluted Plasma and Blood by Interferometric Light Microscopy. A Study of 613 Human and 163 Canine Samples. Cells 2024, 13(24), 2054 pdf
Zagorc U, Božič D, Arrigler V, Medoš Ž, Hočevar M, Romolo A, Kralj-Iglič V, Kogej K. The Effect of Different Surfactants and Polyelectrolytes on Nano-Vesiculation of Artificial and Cellular Membranes. Molecules. 2024; 29(19):4590. DOI
Rawat N, Junkar I, Benčina M, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. Titanium Dioxide Substrates as Sensors for Detection of Platelets and Extracellular Particles from Blood Plasma Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2024, 11, 92-101. DOI
Kralj-Iglič V. Estimation of Direct Interaction Between Membrane Inclusions. Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2024, 11, 85-90. DOI
Korenjak B, Erjavec V, Kralj- Iglič V. Assessment of Extracellular Particles Directly in Plasma. A review. Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2024, 11, 71-77. DOI
Arko M, Korenjak B, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V. Characterization of cellular nano-particles from equine milk and colostrum. Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2024, 11, 66-69. DOI
Kralj-Iglič V, Berry M, Božič D, Romolo A, Troha K, Arko M, Vozel D, Iglič A, Battelino S, Liguori G, Kisslinger A. Standard Operating Procedure for One - Spin Individual- ized Therapeutic Plasma Based on a Mathematical Model and Test Spin. 2024, . Proceedings of Socratic Lectures, 2024; 11: 54-64. pdf DOI
Repository data of collaboration between faculties of the University of Ljubljanapdf
Benčina M, Rawat N, Paul D, Kovač J, Lakota K, Žigon P, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A, Junkar I. Enhanced Hemocompatibility and Cytocompatibility of Stainless Steel ACS Omega. 2024. DOI
Romolo Anna, Kralj-Iglič Veronika Milestones in Research of Small Cellular Particles. Membrane Modeling and Theoretical Description in Connection with In vitro and Ex vivo processes Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2024; 10: 59-68. DOI
Bedina Zavec A, Božič D, Hočevar M, Iglič A, Jeran M, Kralj-Iglič V, Romolo A. Scanning electron microscope images of small cellular particles isolated from Phaeodactylum tricornutum conditioned media, light and dark phases. Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2024, 9, 351-420. DOI
Bedina Zavec A, Božič D, Iglič A, Jeran M, Kisovec M, Kralj-Iglič V, Romolo A. Scanning electron microscope images of isolates of small cellular particles Phaeodactylum tricornutum grown in media supplemented with Guillard’s (F/2) marine water enrichment solution, BG11 broth and Lennox LB broth. Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2024, 9, 328- 350. DOI
Bedina Zavec A, Božič D, Hočevar M, Iglič A, Jeran M, Kralj-Iglič V, Romolo A. Scanning electron microscope images of Phaeodactylum tricornutum culture. Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2024, 9, 192-327. DOI
Bedina Zavec A, Božič D, Hočevar M, Iglič A, Jeran M, Kralj-Iglič V, Romolo A. Scanning electron microscope images of Dunaliella tertiolecta culture. Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2024, 9, 127-158. DOI
Bedina Zavec A, Božič D, Iglič A, Jeran M, Kisovec M, Kralj-Iglič V, Romolo A. Cryogenic transmission electron images of Phaeodactylum tricornutum isolates of small cellular particles. Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2024, 9, 107-126. DOI
Bedina Zavec A, Božič D, Iglič A, Jeran M, Kisovec M, Kralj-Iglič V, Romolo A . Cryogenic transmission electron images of Dunaliela tertiolecta isolates of small cellular particles. Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2024, 9, 70-106. DOI
Kralj-Iglič V. Homage to 15 years of Socratic Lectures. Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2024, 9, 58-69. DOI
Welsh JA, Goberdhan DCI, O'Driscoll L, et al., Kralj-Iglič V, et al., Romolo A, et al. Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023) : from basic to advanced approaches. Journal of extracellular vesicles. 2024, 13: e12404; 1-84. DOI
Spasovski V, Romolo A, Zagorc U, Arrigler V, Kisovec M, Bedina Zavec A, Arko M, Molnár A, Schlosser G, Iglič A, Kogej K, Kralj-Iglič V. Characterization of Nanohybridosomes from Lipids and Spruce Homogenate Containing Extracellular Vesicles. Int J Nanomedicine. 2024;19:1709-1721 DOI
Kocjančič B, Avsec K, Šetina Batič B, Feizpour D, Godec M, Kralj-Iglič V, Podlipec R, Cör A, Debeljak M, Grant JT, Jenko M, Dolinar D. The Impact of Al2O3 Particles from Grit-Blasted Ti6Al7Nb (Alloy) Implant Surfaces on Biocompatibility, Aseptic Loosening, and Infection. Materials. 2023; 16(21):6867. DOI
Kralj-Iglič V. On predatory nature of scientific publishing. Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2023, 8; 149-155. DOI
Drab M, Kumar Sadhu R, Ravid Y, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V, Gov N. Modeling cellular shape changes in the presence of curved membrane proteins and active cytoskeltal forces. Plasma membrane shaping. Elsevier: Academic Press, cop. (Sugetsu S ed). 2023:415-429. DOI
Gov N, Kralj-Iglič V, Kumar Sadhu R, Mesarec L, Iglič A. Physical principles of cellular membrane shapes. Plasma membrane shaping. Elsevier: Academic Press (Sugetsu S ed). 2023;393-413. DOI
Drab M, Kralj-Iglič V, Resnik N, Erdani Kreft M, Veranič P. Iglič A. Formation principles of tunneling nanotubes. Advances in biomembranes and lipid self-assembly. Elsevier: Academic Press (Iglič A, Rappolt M, Losada Perez P eds). 2023; 37: 89-116. DOI
Jan Z, Drobne D, Jenko M, Kralj-Iglič V. Interaction of inorganic debris particles with cells. Advances in biomembranes and lipid self-assembly. Elsevier: Academic Press, cop. (Iglič A, Rappolt M, Losada Perez P eds). 2023; 37, in print. DOI
Rawat N, Junkar I, Iglič A, Kralj.Iglič V, Gongadze E, Benčina M. Interaction of cells with different types of TiO2 nanostructured surfaces. Advances in biomembranes and lipid self-assembly (Iglič A, Rappolt M, Lozada-Perez P eds). Elsevier: Academic Press.2023; 37: 29-59. DOI
Romolo A, Hočevar M, Iglič A, Griessler Bulc T, Kralj-Iglič V. Short term effect of plant hybridosomes on growth of phaeodactylum tricornutum culture. Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2023, 8; 74-86. DOI
Penic S, Iglic A, Kralj-Iglic V. Electronic blood sedimentation monitoring with microcontroller and linear CCD sensor. Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2023, 8; 67-72. DOI
Arko M, Schlosser G, Iglič A, Kruljc P, Nemec Svete A, Erjavec V, Kralj-Iglič V. Erythrocyte sedimentation in tubes for preparation of human, equine and canine plasma rich with platelets and extracellu-lar vesicles. Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2023, 8; 53-57. DOI
Liguori G, Kralj-Iglič V. Pathological and therapeutic significance of tumor-derived extracellular vesicles in cancer cell migration and metastasis. Cancers. 2023;15: 4425. DOI
Mesarec L, Gozdz W, Kralj-Iglič V, Kralj S, Iglič A. Coupling of nematic in-plane orientational ordering and equilibrium shapes of closed flexible nematic shells Scientific Reports, 2023; 13: 10663. DOI
Pandur Z, Penic S, Iglic A, Kralj-Iglic V, Stopar D, Drab M. Surfactin molecules with a cone-like structure promote the formation of membrane domains with negative spontaneous curvature and induce membrane invaginations J Coll Int Sci, 2023; 650B: 1193-1200. DOI
Jan Z, Hočevar M, Kononenko V, Michelini S, Repar N, Caf M, Kocjančič B, Dolinar D, Kralj S, Makovec D, Iglič A, Drobne D, Jenko M, Kralj-Iglič V. Inflammatory, Oxidative Stress and Small Cellular Particle Response in HUVEC Induced by Debris from Endoprosthesis Processing. Materials. 2023;16:3287. pdf DOI
Jeran M, Romolo A, Spasovski V, Hočevar M, Novak U, Štukelj R, Šuštar V, Kisovec M, Bedina Zavec A, Kogej K, Iglič A, Trebše P, Kralj-Iglič V. Small Cellular Particles from European Spruce Needle Homogenate. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023; 24(5):4349. DOI
Troha K, Vozel D, Arko M, Bedina Zavec A, Dolinar D, Hočevar M, Jan Z, Kisovec M, Kocjančič B, Pađen L, Pajnič M, Penič S, Romolo A, Repar N, Spasovski V, Steiner N, Šuštar V, Iglič A, Drobne D, Kogej K, Battelino S, Kralj-Iglič V. Autologous Platelet and Extracellular Vesicle-Rich Plasma as Therapeutic Fluid: A Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023; 24(4):3420 pdf DOI
Kralj-Iglic V, Bedina Zavec A, Iglič A, Jeran M, Kisovec M, Podobnik M. Cryogenic transmission electron microscope images of isolated small cellular particles and supernatant from spruce needle homogenate Zenodo. 2022. DOI
Kralj-Iglič V, Hočevar M, Iglič A, Jeran M, Romolo A. Scanning electron microscope images of spruce needle homogenate and scanning electron microscope images of isolated small cellular particles from spruce needle homogenate. Zenodo. 2022. DOI
Romolo, A.; Jan, Z.; Bedina Zavec, A.; Kisovec, M.; Arrigler, V.; Spasovski, V.; Podobnik, M.; Iglič, A.; Pocsfalvi, G.; Kogej, K., Kralj-Iglič, V. Assessment of Small Cellular Particles from Four Different Natural Sources and Liposomes by Interferometric Light Microscopy. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23, 15801. pdf DOI
Božič D, Hočevar M, Jeran M, Kisovec M, Bedina Zavec A, Romolo A, Škufca D, Podobnik M, Kogej K, Iglič A, Touzet N, Manno M, Pocsfalvi G, Bongiovanni A, Kralj-Iglic V. Ultrastructure and stability of cellular nanoparticles isolated from Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Dunaliella tertiolecta conditioned media Open Res Europe 2022, 2:121 DOI
Drab M, Daniel M, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. Solitons in the Heimburg-Jackson model of sound propagation in lipid bilayers are enabled by dispersion of a stiff membrane. Eur Phys J E Soft Matter. 45(9):79. doi: 10.1140/epje/s10189-022-00233-y pdf DOI
Drab M, Kumar Sadhu R, Ravid Y, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič, Gov NS. Modeling cellular shape changes in the presence of curved membrane proteins and active cytoskeletal forces.pdf DOI
Gov NS, Kralj-Iglič V, Kumar Sadhu R, Mesarec L, IgliČ A. Physical principles of cellular membrane shapes. In: Plasma membrane shaping (Suegetsu S Ed.), Academic Press, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp: 393-413. DOI
Kralj-Iglič V, Arrigler V, Bedina Zavec A, Iglič A, Jan Z, Kisovec M, Kogej K, Pocsfalvi G, Podobnik M, Romolo A. (2022). Raw data on interferometric light microscopy assessment of small cellular particles isolated from blood plasma, washed erythrocytes, spruce needle homogenate, suspension of flagellae of microalgae Tetraselmis chuii, conditioned culture media of microalgae Zenodo. DOI
Smerkolj N, Jeran M. Informal Economic Activity in the Service Sector During the Pandemics of COVID-19 Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2022; 7: 123-127. pdf DOI
Jozelj M, Košir T, Božič D, Hočevar M, Pajnič M, Iglič A, Jeran M, Kralj-Iglič V. Morphological Parameters of Erythrocyte Extracellular Vesicles at Hypoosmotic and Isoosmotic Conditions Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2022; 7: 111- 115. pdf DOI
Gabrovšek A, Tašler N, Barrios-Francisco R, Jeran M. Impact of a saccharin higher homo-log on Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2022; 7:103-109. pdf DOI
Jan Z, Kononenko V, Hočevar M, Drobne D, Dolinar D, Kocjančič B, Jenko M, Kralj-Iglič V. Scanning Electron Microscope Images of HUVEC Cells Treated with Materials Used for Processing of Orthopaedic and Dental Implants Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2022; 7: 97-101. pdf DOI
Jan Z, Gostečnik C, Kralj-Iglič V. Adverse Human Health Outcomes Associated with Psychologi- cal Trauma: A review Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2022; 7: 47-55. pdf DOI
Kralj-Iglič V, Bongiovanni A, Božič D, Iglič A, Jeran M, Kogej K, Manno M, Pocsfalvi G, Romolo A, Touzet N. Raw data on dynamic light scattering assessment of small cellular particles isolated from conditioned culture media of Dunaliella tertiolecta and Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Effect of Triton X-100 and temperature Zenodo. August 9, 2022 pdf DOI
Kralj-Iglič V, Bedina Zavec A, Božič D, Hočevar M, Iglič A, Jeran M, Kisovec M, Podobnik M, Romolo A, Škufca D. Scanning electron microscope images of Dunaliela tertiolecta and Phaeodactylum tricornutum cultures and scanning electron microscope images and cryogenic electron microscope images of isolated small cellular particles from respective conditioned media Zenodo. July 26, 2022 pdf DOI
Kralj-Iglič V, Pocsfalvi G, Iglič, A. Morphology and Formation Mechanisms of Cellular Vesicles Harvested from Blood. Extracellular Vesicles - Role in Diseases, Pathogenesis and Therapy, edited by Manash Paul, IntechOpen, January 25th, 2022. pdf DOI
Steiner N, Vozel D, Urbančič J, Božič D, Kralj-Iglič V, Battelino S. Clinical Implementation of Platelet- and Extracellular Vesicle-Rich Product Preparation Protocols. Tissue Engineering Part A.Sep 2022.770-780. pdf DOI
Mantile F, Kisovec M, Adamo G, Romancino DP, Hočevar M, Božič D, Bedina Zavec A, Podobnik M, Stoppelli MP, Kisslinger A, Bongiovanni A, Kralj-Iglič V, Liguori GL. A Novel Localization in Human Large Extracellular Vesicles for the EGF-CFC Founder Member CRIPTO and Its Biological and Therapeutic Implications. Cancers. 2022; 14(15):3700 pdf DOI
Škufca D, Božič D, Hočevar M, Jeran M, Bedina Zavec A, Kisovec M, Podobnik M, Matos T, Tomazin R, Iglič A, Griessler Bulc T, Heath E, Kralj-Iglič V. Interaction between Microalgae P. tricornutum and Bacteria Thalassospira sp. for Removal of Bisphenols from Conditioned Media. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022; 23(15):8447 pdf DOI
Arko M, Romolo A, Šuštar V, Kralj-Iglič V. Role of Erythrocyte Sedi-mentation Rate (ESR) in preparation of platelet and extracellular vesicles rich plasma. Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2022; 7: 160-165. pdf DOI
Božič D, Hočevar M, Kisovec M, Pajnič M, Pađen L, Jeran M, Zavec Bedina A, Podobnik M, Kogej K, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V. Stability of erythrocyte-derived nanovesicles assessed by light scattering and electron microscopy. Int J Mol Sci. 2021;22-23:12772. pdf DOI
Benčina M, Rawat N, Lakota K, Sodin Šemrl S, Iglič A, Junkar I. Bio-performance of hydrothermally and plasma-treated titanium: the new generation of vascular stents. Int J Mol Sci. 2021;22-21:11858. pdf DOI
Gongadze E, Mesarec L, Kralj S, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. On the role of electrostatic repulsion in topological defect-driven membrane fission. Membranes. 2021;11: 812. pdf DOI
Drab M, Pandur Ž, Penič S, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A, Stopar D. A Monte Carlo study of giant vesicle morphologies in nonequilibrium environments. Biophys J. 2021;120: 4418-4428. pdf DOI
Przybyło M, Drabik D, Doskocz J, Iglič A, Langner M. The Effect of the osmotically active compound concentration difference on the passive water and proton fluxes across a lipid bilayer. Int J Mol Sci. 2021; 22: 11099. pdf DOI
Kralj-Iglič V. (Editor). Socratic lectures, 4. International Minisymposium (Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia). Peer Reviewed Proceedings. pdf DOI
Kralj-Iglič V. (Editor). Socratic lectures, 5. International Minisymposium (Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia). Peer Reviewed Proceedings. 2021. pdf DOI
Doskocz J, Dałek P, Przybyło M, Trzebicka B, Foryś A, Kobyliukh A, Iglič A, Langner M. The elucidation of the molecular mechanism of the extrusion process. Materials. 2021;14:4278. pdf DOI
Mammadova R, Fiume I, Bokka R, Kralj-Iglič V, Božič D, Kisovec M, Podobnik M, Bedina Zavec A, Hočevar M, Gellén G, Schlosser G, Pocsfalvi G. Identification of tomato infecting viruses that co-isolate with nanovesicles using a combined proteomics and electron-microscopic approach. Nanomaterials. 2021;11:1922. pdf DOI
Raval J, Gongadze E, Benčina M, Junkar I, Rawat N, Mesarec L, Kralj-Iglič V, Góźdź W, Iglič A. Mechanical and electrical interaction of biological membranes with nanoparticles and nanostructured surfaces. Membranes. 2021;11: 533. pdf DOI
Božič D, Vozel D, Hočevar M, Jeran M, Jan Z, Pajnič M, Pađen L, Iglič A, Battelino S, Kralj-Iglič V. Enrichment of plasma in platelets and extracellular vesicles by the counterflow to erythrocyte settling. Platelets. 2021;13:1-11. pdf DOI
Vozel D, Božič D, Jeran M, Jan Z, Pajnič M, Pađen M, Steiner N, Kralj-Iglič V, Battelino S. Autologous platelet-and extracellular vesicle-rich plasma is an effective treatment modality for chronic postoperative temporal bone cavity inflammation: Randomized controlled clinical trial. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2021;9: 677541. pdf DOI
Sadhu RK, Penič S, Iglič A, Gov NS. Modelling cellular spreading and emergence of motility in the presence of curved membrane proteins and active cytoskeleton forces. Eur Phys J Plus. 2021;136: 495. pdf DOI
Mesarec L, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V, Gozdz W, Virga E, Kralj S. Curvature potential unveiled topological defect attractors. Crystals. 2021;11: 539. pdf DOI
Adamo G, Fierli D, Romancino DP, Picciotto S, Barone ME, Aranyos A, Božič D, Morsbach S, Raccosta S, Stanly C, Paganini C, Gai M, Cusimano A, Martorana V, Noto R, Carrotta R, Librizzi F, Randazzo L, Parkes R, Capasso Palmiero U, Rao E, Paterna A, Santonicola P, Iglič A, Corcuera L, Kisslinger A, Di Schiavi E, Liguori GL, Landfester K, Kralj-Iglič V, Arosio P, Pocsfalvi G, Touzet N, Manno M, Bongiovanni A. Nanoalgosomes: Introducing extracellular vesicles produced by microalgae. J Extracell Vesicles. 2021;10:e12081 pdf DOI
Picciotto S, Barone ME, Fierli D, Aranyos A, Adamo G, Božič D, Romancino DP, Stanly C, Parkes R, Morsbach S, Raccosta S, Paganini C, Cusimano A, Martorana V, Noto R, o R., Carrotta R., Librizzi F., Palmiero U. C, Santonicola P., Iglič A., Gai M., Corcuera L., Kisslinger A., Di Schiavi E., Landfester K., Liguori G. L., Kralj-Iglič V., Arosio P., Pocsfalvi G., Manno M., Touzet N., Bongiovanni A. Isolation of extracellular vesicles from microalgae: towards the production of sustainable and natural nanocarriers of bioactive compounds. Biomater Sci. 2021;9: 2917-2930. pdf DOI
Mesarec L, Drab M, Penič S, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. On the role of curved membrane nanodomains, and passive and active skeleton forces in the determination of cell shape and membrane budding. Int J Mol. Sci. 2021;22: 2348. pdf DOI
Jan Z, Drab M, Drobne D, Bedina Zavec A, Benčina M, Drasler B, Hočevar M, Krek JL, Pađen L, Pajnič M, Repar N, Šimunič B, Štukelj R, Kralj-Iglič V. Decrease in cellular nanovesicles concentration in blood of athletes more than 15 hours after marathon. Int J Nanomed. 2021;16: 443-456. pdf DOI
Kralj-Iglič V, Pocsfalvi G, Mesarec L, Šuštar V, Hägerstrand H, Iglič A. Minimizing isotropic and deviatoric membrane energy – An unifying formation mechanism of different cellular membrane nanovesicle types. PLoS ONE. 2020;15: e0244796. pdf DOI
Stanly C, Fiume I, Uršič B., Kralj-Iglič V, Trepiccione F, Capasso G, Pocsfalvi G. Urinary extracellular vesicles: single patient analysis for clinical applications. Advances in Biomembranes and Lipid Self-Assembly (Bongiovanni A, Pocsfalvi G, Manno M, Kralj-Iglič V, Eds). 2021;33:1/35 DOI
Vozel D, Božič D, Jeran M, Jan Z, Pajnič M, Pađen L, Uršič B, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglić V, Battelino S. Treatment with platelet- and extracellular vesicle-rich plasma in otorhinolaryngology-a review and future perspectives. Advances in Biomembranes and Lipid Self-Assembly (Bongiovanni A, Pocsfalvi G, Manno M, Kralj-Iglič V, Eds). 2021;33:119-153. pdf DOI
Božič D, Hočevar M, Kononenko V, Jeran M, Štibler U, Fiume I, Pajnič M, Pađen L, Kogej K, Drobne D, Iglič A, Pocsfalvi G, Kralj-Iglič V. Pursuing mechanisms of extracellular vesicle formation. Effects of sample processing. Advances in Biomembranes and Lipid Self-Assembly (Bongiovanni A, Pocsfalvi G, Manno M, Kralj-Iglič V, Eds). 2020;32:113-155. pdf DOI
Bibissidis N, Betlem K, Cordoyiannis G, Prista-von Bonhorst F, Goole J, Raval J, Daniel M, Góźdź W, Iglič A, Losada-Pérez P. Correlation between adhesion strength and phase behaviour in solid-supported lipid membranes. J Mol Liq. 2020; 320: 114492 pdf DOI
Kralj-Iglič V. (Editor). Socratic lectures, 3. International Minisymposium (Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia). Peer Reviewed Proceedings. pdf DOI
Penič S, Mesarec L, Fošnarič M, Mrówczyńska L, Hägerstrand H, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. Budding and fission of membrane vesicles: a mini review. Front Phys. 2020;8:342. pdf DOI
Santhosh P, Genova J, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V, Poklar Ulrih N. Influence of cholesterol on bilayer fluidity and size disctribution of liposomes. CR Acad Bulg Sci. 2020;73:947-956. pdf DOI
Resnik M, Benčina M, Levičnik E, Rawat N, Iglič A, Junkar I. Strategies for improving antimicrobial properties of stainless steel. Materials. 2020;13:2944. pdf DOI
Goršak T, Drab M, Križaj D, Jeran M, Genova J, Kralj S, Lisjak D, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A, Makovec D. Magneto-mechanical actuation of barium-hexaferrite nanoplatelets for the disruption of phospholipid membranes. J Coll Interface Sci. 2020;579:508-519. pdf DOI
Kralj-Iglič V, Dahmane R, Griessler Bulc T, Trebše P, Battelino S, Bavcon Kralj M, Benčina M, Bohinc K, Božič D, Debeljak M, Dolinar D, Iglič A, Istenič D, Jan Z, Jenko M, Jeran M, Jereb G, Jevšnik M, Klemenčič AK, Lampe T, Milisav I, Oarga-Mulec A, Ovca A, Poljšak B, Prosenc F, Romolo A, Resnik N, Sotler R, Šoštarič A, Šuštar V, Šunta U, Štibler U, Uršič B, Vozel D. ran M., Jereb G., Jevšnik M., Krivograd Klemenčič A., Lampe T., Milisav I., Oarga-Mulec A., Ovca A., Poljšak B., Prosenc F., Romolo A., Resnik N., Sotler R., Šoštarič A., Šuštar V., Šunta U., Štibler U., Uršič B., Vozel D. From extracellular vesicles to global environment: a cosmopolite SARS-Cov-2 virus. Int J Clin Stud & Med. Case Rep. 2020;4:1-23. pdf DOI
Jeran M, Božič D, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V. Chlorella vulgaris in druge (mikro)alge kot model pri prenosu interdisciplinarnega znanja v aplikativno rabo. Kemija v šoli in družbi. [Web Ed.]. 2020;No. 1, 1-8. pdf DOI
Junkar I, Kulkarni M, Benčina M, Kovač J, Mrak-Poljšak K, Lakota K, Sodin-Šemrl S, Mozetič M, Iglič A. Titanium dioxide nanotube arrays for cardiovascular stent applications. ACS Omega. 2020; 5-13: 7280-7289. pdf DOI
Penič S, Fošnarič M, Mesarec L, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V. Active forces of myosin motors may control the endovesiculation of red blood cells. Acta Chim Slov. 2020;67:674–681. pdf DOI
Jeran M, Drab M, Veršnjak B, Košir S. Lastnosti vrstic ne elektronske mikroskopije (SEM) kot metode za preucevanje in karakterizacijo vzorcev Kemija v šoli in družbi. [Web Ed.]. 2019;1:1-5. pdf DOI
Mesarec L, Góźdź W, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V, Virga EG, Kralj S. Normal red blood cells’ shape stabilized by membrane’s in-plane ordering. Sci Rep. 2019;9: 19742. pdf DOI
Benčina M, Junkar I, Mavrič T, Kralj-Iglič V, Valant M, Iglič A. Performance of annealed TiO2 nanotubes in interactions with blood platelets. Materials and technology. 2019;53: 791-795. pdf DOI
Kralj-Iglič V. (Editor). Sokratska predavanja: zbornik recenziranih prispevkov = Socratic lectures: peer reviewed proceedings. Ljubljana, Zdravstvena fakulteta = Faculty of Health Sciences.2019 pdf DOI
Graziano BR, Town JP, Sitarska E, Nagy TL, Fošnarič M, Penič S, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V, Gov NS, Diz-Muñoz A, Weiner OD. Cell confinement reveals a branched-actin independent circuit for neutrophil polarity. PLOS Biol. 2019;17: e3000457. pdf DOI
Iglič A, Gongadze E, Kralj-Iglič V. Differential capacitance of electric double layer – influence of asymmetric size of ions, thickness of Stern layer and orientational ordering of water dipoles. Acta Chim Slov. 2019;66: 534-541. pdf DOI
Božič D, Sitar S, Junkar I, Štukelj R, Pajnič M, Žagar E, Kralj-Iglič V, Kogej K. Viscosity of plasma as a key factor in assessment of extracellular vesicles by light scattering. Cells. 2019;8:1046. pdf DOI
Drab M, Mesarec L, Imani R, Jeran M, Junkar I, Kralj-Iglič V, Kralj S, Iglič A. The role of membrane vesiculation and encapsulation in cancer diagnosis and therapy. Advances in biomembranes and lipid self-assembly (Iglič A, Rappolt M, García-Sáez AJ, Eds). 2019;29:159-199. pdf DOI
Drab M, Stopar D, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. Inception mechanisms of tunneling nanotubes. Cells. 2019;8:626. pdf DOI
Šimundić M, Švara T, Štukelj R, Krek JL, Gombač M, Kralj-Iglič V, Tozon N. Concentration of extracellular vesicles isolated from blood relative to the clinical pathological status of dogs with mast cell tumors. Vet Comp Oncol. 2019;17:456-464. pdf DOI
Fošnarič M, Penič S, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V, Drab M, Gov NS. Theoretical study of vesicle shapes driven by coupling curved proteins and active cytoskeletal forces. Soft Matter. 2019;15: 5319-5330. pdf DOI
Drab M, Kralj-Iglič V. Electric double layer of electrons: attraction between two like-charged surfaces induced by Fermi-Dirac statistics. Phys Lett A. 2019; 383: 358-365. pdf DOI
Štukelj R, Benčina M, Fanetti M, Valant M, Drab M, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V. Synthesis of stable cannabidiol (CBD) nanoparticles in suspension. Materials and technology. 2019;53: 543-549. pdf DOI
Benčina M, Mavrič T, Junkar I, Bajt A, Krajnović A, Lakota K, Žigon P, Sodin-Šemrl S, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. The importance of antibacterial surfaces in biomedical applications. Advances in biomembranes and lipid self-assembly (Iglič A, Rappolt M, García-Sáez AJ,Eds.). 2018; 28:115-165. pdf DOI
Mavrič T, Benčina M, Imani R, Junkar I, Valant M, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. Electrochemical biosensor based on TiO2 nanomaterials for cancer diagnostics. Advances in biomembranes and lipid self-assembly (Iglič A, Rappolt M, García-Sáez AJ, Eds.). 2018;27:63-105. pdf DOI
Gongadze E, Mesarec L, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. Asymmetric finite size of ions and orientational ordering of water in electric double layer theory within lattice model. Mini Rev Med Chem. 2018;18:1559-1566. pdf DOI
Daniel M, Řezníčková J, Handl M, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V. Clustering and separation of hydrophobic nanoparticles in lipid bilayer explained by membrane mechanics. Scientific reports. 2018;8: 1-7. pdf DOI
Gimsa J, Wysotzki P, Perutková Š, Weihe T, Elter P, Marszałek P, Kralj-Iglič V, Müller T, Iglič A. Spermidine-induced attraction of like-charged surfaces is correlated with the pH-dependent spermidine charge: force spectroscopy characterization. Langmuir. 2018;34:2725-2733. pdf DOI
Stojcheva E, Benčina M, Junkar I, Lampe T, Valant M, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. Visible light responsive TiO2 nanotubes synthesized by electrochemical anodization method. Adv Mat Lett. 2018; 9:708-714. pdf DOI
Schara K, Štukelj R, Krek JL, Lakota K, Sodin-Šemrl S, Boulton AJM, Kralj-Iglič V. A study of extracellular vesicle concentration in active diabetic Charcot neuroarthropathy Eur J Pharm Sci. 2017;98: 58-63. pdf DOI
Štukelj R, Schara K, Bedina Zavec A, Šuštar V, Pajnič M, Pađen L, Krek JL, Kralj-Iglič V, Mrvar Brečko A, Janša R. Effect of shear stress in the flow through the sampling needle on concentration of nanovesicles isolated from blood. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2017;98:17-29. pdf DOI
Vozel D, Uršič B, Krek JL, Štukelj R, Kralj-Iglič V. Applicability of extracellular vesicles in clinical studies. Eur J Clin Inv. 2017;47:305-313. pdf DOI
Mesarec L, Góźdź W, Kralj S, Fošnarič M, Penič S, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. On the role of external force of actin filaments in the formation of tubular protrusions of closed membrane shapes with anisotropic membrane components. Eur Biophys J. 2017;46:705-718. pdf DOI
Mohajernia S, Mazare A, Gongadze E, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A, Schmuki P. Self-organized, free-standing TiO2 nanotube membranes: effect of surface electrokinetic properties on flow-through membranes Electrochim Acta. 2017;245:25-31. pdf DOI
Štukelj R, Schara K, Bedina-Zavec A, Šuštar V, Pajnič M, Pađen L, Krek JL, Kralj-Iglič V, Mrvar-Brečko A, Janša R. Effect of the shear stress in the flow through the sampling needle on concentration of nanovesicles isolated from blood Eur J Pharm Sci. 2017;98:17-29. DOI
Drab M, Gongadze E, Mesarec L, Kralj S, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. The internal and external dipole moment of a water molecule and orientational ordering of water dipoles in an electric double layer J Elect Engin Comp. 2017;84:221–234. pdf DOI
Imani R, Dillert R, Bahnemann DW, Pazoki M, Apih T, Kononenko V, Repar N, Kralj-Iglič V, Boschloo G, Drobne D, Edvinsson T, Iglič A. Multifunctional Gadolinium-Doped Mesoporous TiO2 Microbeads: A potential for cancer diagnosis and treatment Small. 2017;13:1-11. pdf DOI
Gongadze E, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. Unequal size of ions in modified Wicke-Eigen model of electric double layer. Gen Phys Biophys. 2017;36:229–234. pdf DOI
Imani R, Pazoki M, Zupančič D, Erdani-Kreft M, Kralj-Iglič V, Veranič P, Iglič A. Biocompatibility of different nanostructured TiO2 scaffolds and their potential for urologic applications. Protoplasma. 2016;253:1439-1447. pdf DOI
Mesarec L, Góźdź W, Kralj-Iglič V, Kralj S, Iglič A. Closed membrane shapes with attached BAR domains subject to external force of actin filaments. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2016;141: 132-140. pdf DOI
Bedina Zavec A, Kralj-Iglič V, Brinc M, Ficko Trček T, Kuzman D, Schweiger A, Anderluh G. Extracellular vesicles concentration is a promising and important parameter for industrial bioprocess monitoring. Biotech J. 2016;11:603-609. pdf DOI
Fais S, O’Driscoll L, Borras FE, Buzas E, Camussi G, Cappello F, Carvalho J, Cordeiro da Silva A, Del Portillo H, El Andaloussi S, Ficko Trček T, Furlan R, Ihsan Gursel A. H, Kralj-Iglič V, Kaeffer B, Kosanovic M, Lekka ME , Lipps G, Logozzi M, Marcilla A, Sammar M, Llorente A, Nazarenko I, Oliveira C, Gabriella Pocsfalvi G, Rajendran L, Raposo G, Rohde E, Siljander P, van Niel G, Vasconcelos MH, Yáñez-Mó M, Yliperttula ML, Zarovni N, Zavec AB, Giebel B. Evidence-based clinical use of annoscale extracellular vesicles in nanomedicine. ACS Nano. 2016;10:1043886-3899. pdf DOI
Daniel M, Rijavec B, Dolinar D, Pokorný D, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V. Patient-specific hip geometry has greater effect on THA wear than femoral head size J Biomechanics. 2016;49:3996-4001. pdf DOI
Drab M, Kralj-Iglič V. Diffuse electric double layer in planar nanostructures due to Fermi-Dirac statistics. Electrochim Acta. 2016;204:154–159. pdf DOI
Kralj-Iglič, V. Membrane microvesiculation and its suppression. Advances in biomembranes and lipid self-assembly (Iglič A, Kulkarni C, Rappolt M, Eds). 2015;22:177-204. pdf DOI
Krek JL, Šimundić M, Drab M, Pajnič M, Šuštar V, Štukelj R, Drobne D, Kralj-Iglič V. Effect of carbon black nanomaterial on canine erythrocyte and platelet shape. Slo Vet Res. 2015;52:75-85. pdf DOI
Imani R, Drašler B, Kononenko V, Romih T, Eleršič K, Jelenc J, Junkar I, Remškar M, Drobne D, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. Growth of a novel nanostructured ZnO urchin: control of cytotoxicity and dissolution of the ZnO urchin. Nanosc Res Lett. 2015;10:1-10. pdf DOI
Slokar T, López-Mariscal C, Krek JL, Štukelj R, Zupanc O, Kralj-Iglič V. Effect of lidocaine and epinephrine on human erythrocyte shape and vesiculability of blood cells Adv Cond Matt Phys. 2015; 2015: Article ID 870602 pdf DOI
Imani R, Pazoki M, Tiwari A, Boschloo G, Turner APF, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. Band edge engineering of TiO2@DNA nanohybrids and implications for capacitive energy storage devices. Nanoscale. 2015;7:10438-10448. pdf DOI
Pajnič M, Drašler B, Šuštar V, Krek JL, Štukelj R, Šimundić M, Kononenko V, Makovec D, Hägerstrand H, Drobne D, Kralj-Iglič V. Effect of carbon black nanomaterial on biological membranes revealed by shape of human erythrocytes, platelets and phospholipid vesicles. J Nanobiotech. 2015;13:28. pdf DOI
Manček-Keber M, Frank-Bertoncelj M, Hafner-Bratkovič I, Smole A, Zorko M, Pirher N, Hayer S, Kralj-Iglič V, Rozman B, Ilc N, Horvat S, Jerala R. Toll-like receptor 4 senses oxidative stress mediated by the oxidation of phospholipids in extracellular vesicles. Sci Signal. 2015;8:p, ra60. pdf DOI
Genova J, Poklar Ulrih N, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A, Bivas I. Bending elasticity modulus of giant vesicles composed of Aeropyrum Pernix K1 archaeal lipid. Life. 2015; 5:1101-1110. pdf DOI
Yáñez-Mó M, Siljander PR, Andreu Z, Bedina Zavec A, Borràs FE, Buzas EI, Buzas K, Casal E, Cappello F, Carvalho J, Colás E, Cordeiro-da Silva A, Fais S, Falcon-Perez JM, Ghobrial IM, Giebel B, Gimona M, Graner M, Gursel I, Gursel M, Heegaard NHH, Hendrix A, Kierulf P, Kokubun K, Kosanovic M, Kralj-Iglič V, Krämer-Albers EM, Laitinen S, Lässer C, Lener T, Ligeti E, Linē A, Lipps G, Llorente A, Lötval J, Manček-Keber M, Marcilla A, Mittelbrunn M, Nazarenko I, Nolte-‘t Hoen ENM, Nyman TA, O'Driscoll L, Olivan M, Oliveira C, Pállinger É, del Portillo HA, Reventós J, Rigau M, Rohde E, Sammar M, Sánchez-Madrid F, Santarém N, Schallmoser K, Stampe Ostenfeld M, Stoorvogel W, Štukelj R, Van der Grein SG, Vasconcelos MH, Wauben MHM, De Wever O. Biological properties of extracellular vesicles and their physiological functions. J Extracell Ves. 2015;4. pdf DOI
Kulkarni M, Mazare A, Gongadze E, Perutková Š, Kralj-Iglič V, Milošev I, Schmuki P, Iglič A, Mozetič M. Titanium nanostructures for biomedical applications. Nanotechnology. 2015;26:062002 pdf DOI
Velikonja A, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. On asymmetric shape of electric double layer capacitance curve. Int J Electrochem Sci. 2015;10:1-7. pdf
Kulkarni M, Flašker A, Lokar M, Mrak-Poljšak K, Mazare A, Artenjak A, Čučnik S, Kralj S, Velikonja A, Schmuki P, Kralj-Iglič V, Sodin-Semrl S, Iglič A. Binding of plasma proteins to titanium dioxide nanotubes with different diameters. Int J Nanomed. 2015;10:1359-1373. pdf DOI
Uršič B, Vozel D, Šuštar V, Kocjančič B, Dolinar D, Kralj-Iglič V. Extracellular vesicles from platelet-rich plasma as conveyors of regeneration potential in orthopedics. Journal Hematol Thrombo Dis. 2014; 2: 1000163-1 - 1000163-3. pdf DOI
Ogorevc E, Hudoklin S, Veranič P, Kralj-Iglič V. Extracellular vesicle-mediated transfer of membranous components from the highly malignant T24 urinary carcinoma cell line to the non-malignant RT4 urinary papilloma cell line. Protoplasma. 2014;251: 699-702. pdf DOI
Drašler B, Drobne D, Novak S, Valant J, Boljte S, Otrin L, Rappolt M, Sartori B, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V, Šuštar V, Makovec D, Gyergyek S, Hočevar M, Godec M, Zupanc J. Effects of magnetic cobalt ferrite nanoparticles on biological and artificial lipid membranes. Int J Nanomed. 2014; 9:1559-1580. pdf DOI
Gongadze E, Velikonja A, Perutkova Š, Kramar P, Maček-Lebar A, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. Ions and water molecules in an electrolyte solution in contact with charged and dipolar surfaces. Electrochimica Acta. 2014;126: 42-60. pdf DOI
Santhosh PB, Velikonja A, Gongadze E, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V, Poklar Ulrih N. Interactions of divalent calcium ions with head groups of zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine liposomal membranes. Acta Chim Slov. 2014;61:241–245, pdf DOI
Velikonja A, Gongadze E, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. Charge dependent capacitance of Stern layer and capacitance of electrode/electrolyte interface. Int J Electrochem Sci. 2014;9: 5885-5894. pdf DOI
Zupanc J, Drašler B, Boljte S, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A, Erdogmus D, Drobne D. Lipid vesicle shape analysis from populations using light video microscopy and computer vision. PloS one. 2014;9: e113405. DOI
Penič S, Mesarec L, Fošnarič M, Kralj-Iglič V, Kralj S, Góźdź W, Iglič A. Modeling of closed membrane shapes. J Phys Conf Ser. 2014;558:9. pdf DOI
Mesarec L, Fošnaric M, Penič S, Kralj-Iglič V, Kralj S, Góźdź W, Iglič A. Numerical study of membrane configurations. Adv Cond Matt Phys. 2014; 2014: 373674. pdf DOI
Štukelj R, Hribar Ignaščenko I, Peternelj S, Peruško M, Blažič T, Pajnič M, Bračun Vnuk Š, Šuštar V, Bedina Zavec A, Schara K, Janša R, Kralj-Iglič V. Role of blood sampling in assessment of concentration of extracellular nanovesicles in isolates from peripheral blood. Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes (Iglič A, Kulkarni CV, Eds). 2014;175-189. DOI
Santhosh PB, Velikonja A, Perutková Š, Gongadze E, Kulkarni M, Genova J, Eleršič K, Iglič A, Kralj Iglič V, Poklar Ulrih N. Influence of nanoparticle-membrane electrostatic interactions on membrane fluidity and bending elasticity. Chem Phys Lipids. 2014;178:52–62. pdf DOI
Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V, Drobne D. Nanostructures in biological systems: theory and applications. Singapore: Pan Stanford; Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2013;534 pages. DOI
Bobrovska N, Góźdź W, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. On the role of anisotropy of membrane components in formation and stabilization of tubular structures in multicomponent membranes. PloS one. 2013; 8:1-6. pdf DOI
Gongadze E, van Rienen U, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. Spatial variation of permittivity of an electrolyte solution in contact with a charged metal surface: a mini review. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Eng. 2013;16: 463-480. pdf DOI
Perutková Š, Frank Bertoncelj M, Rozman B, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. Influence of ionic strength and beta2-glycoprotein I concentration on agglutination of like-charged phospholipid membranes. Colloids and surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2013; 111:699-706. pdf DOI
Ogorevc E, Štukelj R, Bedina-Zavec A, Šuštar V, Šimundić M, Kralj-Iglič V, Rado Janša R. A 32-month follow-up study of nanovesicle concentrations in blood from 12 patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumour treated with imatinib. Biochem Soc T 2013; 41: 303-308. pdf DOI
Ogorevc E, Kralj-Iglič V, Veranič P. The role of extracellular vesicles in phenotypic cancer transformation Radiol Oncol. 2013;47:197-205. pdf DOI
Šimundić M, Drašler B, Šuštar V, Zupanc J, Štukelj R, Makovec D, Erdogmus D, Hägerstrand H, Drobne D, Kralj-Iglič V. Effect of engineered TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles on erythrocytes, platelet-rich plasma and giant unilamelar phospholipid vesicles. BMC Vet Res. 2013;9:7. DOI
Gongadze E, Velikonja A, Slivnik T, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. The quadrupole moment of water molecules and the permittivity ofwater near a charged surface. Electrochimica Acta. 2013; 109:656-662. pdf DOI
Velikonja A, Santhosh PB, Gongadze E, Kulkarni M, Eleršič K, Perutkova Š, Kralj-Iglič V, Poklar Ulrih N, Iglič A. Interaction between dipolar lipid headgroups and charged nanoparticles mediated by water dipoles and ions. Int J Mol Sci. 2013; 14:15312-15329. pdf DOI
Perutkova S, Frank-Bertoncelj M, Rozman B., Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. Influence of ionic strength and beta2-glycoprotein I concentration on agglutination of like-charged phospholipid membranes. Coll Surf B. 2013;111: 699-706, pdf DOI
Jesenek D, Perutková Š, Góźdź W, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A, Kralj S. Vesiculation of biological membrane driven by curvature induced frustrations in membrane orientational ordering. Int. J. Nanomed. 2013;8: 677–687. pdf
Štukelj R, Šuštar V, Mrvar-Brečko A, Veranič P, Hägerstrand H, Kralj-Iglič V, Sevšek F. Suppression of membrane vesiculation as anticoagulant and anti-metastatic mechanism. Role of stability of narrow necks. Gen Physiol Biophys. 2013;32. pdf DOI
Kralj-Iglič V, Šuštar V, Hägerstrand H, Frank Bertoncelj M, Janša R. Suppression of membrane vesiculation: a possible anticoagulant, antimetastatic and anti-inflammatory effect of heparin. Heparin: Properties, uses and side effects, (Pharmacology), (Biochemistry research trends) (Piyathilake DE, Liang R, Eds). New York: Nova Science; 2012;27-57. DOI
Santhosh PB, Penič S, Genova J, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V, Poklar Ulrih N. A study on the interaction of nanoparticles with lipid membranes and their influence on membrane fluidity. J Phys. (Conference series). 2012; 398:012034-012034-6. pdf DOI
Povše Jesenek D, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A, Kralj S. Orientational order within biological membranes. Int Rev Biophy Chem. 2012; 3:157-162. pdf DOI
Genova J, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A, Marinov R, Bivas I. Influence of cholesterol on the elastic properties of lipid membranes. J Phys Conf. 2012;398, 012037. pdf DOI
Šuštar V, Zelko J, Lopalco P, Lobasso S, Ota A, Poklar Ulrih N, Corcelli A, Kralj-Iglič V. Morphology, biophysical properties and protein-mediated fusion of archaeosomes. PLOS One. 2012; 7:e39401. pdf DOI
Kabaso D, Bobrovska N, Góźdź W, Gongadze E, Kralj-Iglič V, Zorec R, Iglič A. The transport along membrane nanotubes driven by the spontaneous curvature of membrane components. Bioelectrochemistry. 2012;87:204–210. pdf DOI
Povše Jesenek D, Perutková Š, Kralj-Iglič V, Kralj S, Iglič A. Exocytotic fusion pore stability and topological defects in the membrane with orientational degree of ordering. Cell Calcium. 2012;52: 277–282. pdf DOI
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Kralj-Iglič V. Stability of membranous nanostructures: a possible key mechanism in cancer progression. Int J of Nanomed. 2012;7:3579-3596. pdf DOI
Mareš T, Daniel M, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V, Fošnarič M. Determination of the strength of adhesion between lipid vesicles. The Scientific World J. 2012; 1-6. pdf DOI
Kabaso D, Bobrovska N, Góźdź W, Gov N, Kralj-Iglič V, Veranič P, Iglič A. On the role of membrane anisotropy and BAR proteins in the stability of tubular membrane structures. J biomech. 2012; 45:231-238. pdf DOI
Lokar M, Kabaso D, Resnik N, Sepčić K, Kralj-Iglič V, Veranič P, Zorec R, Iglič A. The role of cholesterol-sphingomyelin membrane nanodomains in the stability of intercellular membrane nanotubes. Int J of Nanomed. 2012;7:1891-1902. pdf DOI
Zupanc J, Drobne D, Drašler B, Valant J, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V, Makovec D, Rappolth M, Sartorih B, Kogej K. Experimental evidence for the interaction of C-60 fullerene with lipid vesicle membranes. Carbon (N. Y.). 2012; 50: 1170-1178. pdf DOI
Genova J, Pavlic JI, Zheliaskova A, Kralj Iglič V, Iglič A, Mitov MD. Vesicles with tubular protrusions in symmetrical and non symmetrical conditions. Biotechnol Biotechnol Equip. 2012;26: 205-208. pdf DOI
Jorgačevski J, Rituper B, Fošnarič M, Flašker A, Vardjan N, Stenovec M, Potokar M, Kreft M, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A, Zorec R. How to make a stable exocytotic fusion pore, incompetent of neurotransmitter and hormone release from the vesicle lumen?. Advances in biomembranes and lipid self-assembly (Iglič A, Ed). 2011;14: 45-61. DOI
Gongadze E, Kralj-Iglič V, van Rienen U, Iglič A. Izpeljava Langevin Poisson-Boltzmannove enačbe za tockaste ione s pomočjo variacije proste energije sistema. Elektrotehniški vestnik. 2011;78: 3-6. pdf DOI
Kabaso D, Gongadze E, Perutková Š, Matschegewski C, Kralj-Iglič V, Beck U, van Rienen U, Iglič A. Mechanics and electrostatics of the interactions between osteoblasts and titanium surface. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Eng. 2011;14: 469-482. pdf DOI
Gongadze E, Kralj-Iglic V, van Rienen U, Iglic A. Langevin Poisson-Boltzmann equation : point-like ions and water dipoles near a charged surface. Gen Physiol Biophys. 2011;30:130-137. pdf DOI
Pavlič JI, Genova J, Popkirov G, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A, Mitov M. D. Mechanoformation of neutral giant phospholipid vesicles in high ionic strength solution. Chem Phys Lipids. 2011;164:727-731. pdf DOI
Šuštar V, Bedina Zavec A, Štukelj R, Frank M., Bobojević G, Janša R, Ogorevc E, Kruljc P, Mam K, Šimunič B, Manček-Keber M, Jerala R, Rozman B, Veranič P, Hägerstrand H, Kralj-Iglič V. Nanoparticles isolated from blood–a reflection of vesiculability of blood cells during the isolation process. Int J Nanomed. 2011;6:2737 - 2748. pdf DOI
Perutková Š, Daniel M, Rappolt M, Pabst G, Dolinar G, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. Elastic deformations in hexagonal phases studied by small angle X-ray diffraction and simulations. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2011;13:3100–3107. pdf DOI
Kabaso D, Lokar M, Kralj-Iglič V, Veranič P, Iglič A. Temperature and cholera toxin B are factors that influence formation of membrane nanotubes in RT4 and T24 urothelial cancer cell lines. Int J Nanomed. 2011;6:495 - 509. pdf DOI
Kabaso D, Gongadze E, Elter P, van Rienen U, Gimsa J, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. Attachment of rod-like (BAR) proteins and membrane shape. Mini Rev Med Chem. 2011;11: 272-282. pdf DOI
Gongadze E, Perutkova Š, Kralj-Iglič V, van Rienen U, Beck U, Iglič A, Kabaso D. Electromechanical basis for the interaction between osteoblasts and negatively charged titanium surface. Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes (AIglič A, Ed). Elsevier. 2011;13:199-221. DOI
Gongadze E, van Rienen U, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A. Langevin Poisson-Boltzmann equation: point-like ions and water dipoles near charged membrane surface. Gen Physiol Biophys. 2011;30:130-137. pdf DOI
Gongadze E, Kralj-Iglič V, van Rienen U, Iglič A. Derivation of the Langevin Poisson-Boltzmann equation for point-like ions using the functional density theory. Electrotech Rev 2011;78: 3–6. pdf
Šuštar V, Bedina-Zavec A, Štukelj R, Frank M, Ogorevc E, Janša R, Mam K, Veranič P, Kralj-Iglič V. Post - prandial rise of microvesicles in peripheral blood of healthy human donors. Lip Heal Dis. 2011;10: 47. pdf DOI
Jorgačevski J., Fošnarič M., Vardjan N., Stenovec M., Potokar M., Kreft M., Kralj-Iglič V., Iglič A., Zorec R. Fusion pore stability of peptidergic vesicles. Mol. Memb. Biol. 2010;27, 2/3: 65-80. pdf DOI
Šuštar V., Frank Bertoncelj M., Janša V., Girandon Sušanj P., Hägerstrand H., Veranič P., Kralj-Iglič V. Mikrovezikli iz krvne plazme, opazovani z elektronsko mikroskopijo / Microvesicles from blood plasma observed by electron microscopy. Med. Razgl. 2010;49, 2: 137-144. pdf DOI
Perutková Š., Kralj-Iglič V., Frank M., Iglič A. Mechanical stability of membrane nanotubular protrusions influenced by attachment of flexible rod-like proteins. J. Biomech. 2010;43: 1612-1617. pdf DOI
Bohinc K., Gongadze E., Kralj-Iglič V., van Rienen U., Iglič A. Metal surface in contact with electrolyte solution - influence of spatial variation of dielectric constant. Electrotech. Rev. 2010;77: 121-130. pdf DOI
Perutkova Š., Frank M., Bohinc K., Bobojevič G., Zelko J., Rozman B., Kralj-Iglič V., Iglič A. Interaction between equally charged membrane surfaces mediated by positively and negatively charged macroions. J. Membane Biol. 2010;236: 43-53. pdf DOI
Zupanc J., Valant J., Drobne D., Kralj-Iglič V., Iglič A. A new approach to analyse effects of nanoparticles on lipid vesicles. Int. J. Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.2010; 1: 34 - 51. pdf DOI
Gongadze E., Bohinc K., van Rienen U. , Kralj-Iglič V., Iglič A. Spatial variation of permittivity near a charged membrane in contact with electrolyte solution. Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes. (editor: A. Igli?), Elsevier. 2010;11: 101-126. pdf DOI
Zelko J., Iglič A., Kralj-Iglič V., Kumar S. P. B. Effects of counterion size on the attraction between similarly charged surfaces. J. Chem. Phys. 2010;133: 204901. pdf DOI
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Drobne D., Kralj-Iglič V. Lipid membranes as tools in nanotoxicity studies. Advances in biomembranes and lipid self-assembly (Editors: Ottova-Leitmannova A., Igli? A.). 2009;10: 121-134. pdf DOI
Lokar M., Perutková Š., Kralj-Iglič V., Iglič A., Veranič P. Membrane nanotubes in urothelial cell line T24. Advances in biomembranes and lipid self-assembly (Editors: Ottova-Leitmannova A., Igli? A.).2009;10: 65-94. pdf DOI
Bohinc K., Zelko J., Kumar S. P. B., Iglič A., Kralj-Iglič V. Attraction of like-charged surfaces mediated by spheroidal nanoparticles with spatially distributed electric charge: theory and simulation. Advances in biomembranes and lipid self-assembly (Editors: Ottova-Leitmannova A., Tien H. T.). 2009;9: 279-301. pdf DOI
Perutková Š., Daniel M., Dolinar G., Rappolt M., Kralj-Iglič V., Iglič A. Stability of the inverted hexagonal phase. Advances in biomembranes and lipid self-assembly (Editors: Leitmannova Liu A., Tien H. T.). 2009;9: 237-278. pdf DOI
Lokar M., Veranič P., Kralj-Iglič V., Iglič A. Membrane nanotubes in cell-to-cell connections and communication in T24 cell line. Pohybové ústrojí: Pokroky ve výzkumu, Diagnostice a terapii. 2009;16, 1/2: 12-22. pdf
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Lobasso S., Saponetti M. S., Polidoro F., Lopalco P., Urbanija J., Kralj-Iglič V., Corcelli A. Archaebacterial lipid membranes as models to study the interaction of 10-N-nonyl acridine orange with phospholipids. Chem. Phys. Lipids. 2009;157, 1: 12-20. pdf DOI
Junkar I., Šuštar V., Frank M., Janša V., Bedina Zavec A., Rozman B., Mozetic M., Hägerstrand H., Kralj-Iglič V. Blood and sinovial microparticles as revealed by atomic force and scanning electron microscope. The Open Autoimm. J. 2009;1: 50-58. pdf DOI
Schara K., Janša V., Šuštar V., Dolinar D., Pavlic J. I., Lokar M., Kralj-Iglič V., Veranič P., Iglič A. Mechanisms for the formation of membranous nanostructures in cell-to-cell communication. Cell. Mol. Biol. Lett.2009; 14: 636-656. pdf DOI
Šustar V., Janša R., Frank M., Hägerstrand H., Kržan M., Iglič A., Kralj-Iglič V. Suppression of membrane microvesiculation - a possible anticoagulant and anti-tumor progression effect of heparin. Blood cells mol. diseases. 2009;3: 223-227. pdf DOI
Frank Bertoncelj M., Sodin-Šemrl S., Rozman B., Potočnik M., Kralj-Iglič V. Effects of low-molecular-weight heparin on adhesion and vesiculation of phospholipid membranes : a possible mechanism for the treatment of hypercoagulability in antiphospholipid syndrome. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 2009;1173: 874-886. pdf DOI
Fošnarič M., Iglič A., Slivnik T., Kralj-Iglič V. Flexible membrane inclusions and membrane inclusions induced by rigid globular proteins. Advances in biomembranes and lipid self-assembly (Editor: Ottova-Leitmannova A.). 2008; 7: 143-168. pdf DOI
Bohinc K., Slivnik T., Iglič A., Kralj-Iglič V. Membrane electrostatics - a statistical mechanical approach to the functional density theory of electric double layer. Advances in biomembranes and lipid self-assembly (Editors: Ottova-Leitmannova A.). 2008;8:107-154. pdf DOI
Iglič A., Kralj-Iglič V. Stabilization of hydrophilic pores in charged lipid bilayers by anisotropic membrane inclusions. Advances in biomembranes and lipid self-assembly (Editor: Ottova-Leitmannova A.). 2008;6: 1-26. pdf DOI
Sodin-Šemrl S., Rozman B., Iglič A., Kralj-Iglič V. Antiphospholipid syndrome: mechanisms revealed in erythrocyte and liposome studies. Advances in biomembranes and lipid self-assembly (Editor: Ottova-Leitmannova A.). 2008;7: 79-120. pdf DOI
Iglič A., Lokar M., Veranič P., Hägerstrand H., Kralj-Iglič V. Biomechanics of budding of cellular membranes. Bull. Appl. Mech. 2008;4: 119-122. pdf DOI
Veranič P., Lokar M., Schuetz G. J., Weghuber J., Wieser S., Hägerstrand H., Kralj-Iglič V., Iglič A. Different types of cell-to-cell connections mediated by nanotubular structures. Biophys J. 2008;95: 4416-4425. pdf DOI
Mareš T., Daniel M., Perutková Š., Perne A., Dolinar G., Iglič A., Rappolt M., Kralj-Iglič V. Role of phospholipid asymmetry in the stability of inverted hexagonal mesoscopic phases. J. Phys. Chem. B. 2008; 8: 16575-16584. pdf DOI
Urbanija J., Bohinc K., Bellen A., Maset S., Iglič A., Kralj-Iglič V., Kumar P. B. Attraction between negatively charged surfaces mediated by spherical counterions with quadrupolar charge distribution. J. Chem. Phys. 2008;129: 1-5. pdf DOI
Urbanija J., Babnik B., Frank M., Tomšič N., Rozman B., Kralj-Iglič V., Iglič A. Attachment of ß[sup]2-glycoprotein I to negatively charged liposomes may prevent the release of daughter vesicles from the parent membrane. Eur. biophys. J. 2008; 37: 1085-1095. pdf DOI
Lokar M., Urbanija J., Frank M., Hägerstrand H., Rozman B., Bobrowska-Hägerstrand M., Iglič A., Kralj-Iglič V. Agglutination of like-charged red blood cells induced by binding of ß[sup]2-glycoprotein I to outer cell surface. Bioelectrochemistry. 2008;2: 110-116. pdf DOI
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Frank Bertoncelj M., Lokar M., Urbanija J., Kržan M., Kralj-Iglič V., Rozman B. The effect of in vitro anticoagulant disodium citrate on beta-2-glycoprotein I - induced coalescence of giant phospholipid vesicles. Int. Fed. Med. Biol. Eng. (Conference series, New York: Springer). 16: 566-569. pdf DOI
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Kralj-Iglič V., Veranič P. Curvature-induced sorting of bilayer membrane constituents and formation of membrane rafts. In: Advances in planar lipid bilayers and liposomes. (Editor: Ottova-Leitmannova A.). Elsevier.2007; 5: 129-149. pdf DOI
Gimsa U., Kralj-Iglič V., Iglič A., Fiedler S., Zwanzig M., Jonas L., Gimsa J. Basic Cell-Cell and Cell-Surface Interactions in Liposome and Cellular Systems In: Advances in planar lipid bilayers and liposomes. (Editor: Ottova-Leitmannova A.). Elsevier. 2007; 5: 229-251. pdf DOI
Iglič A., Babnik B., Bohinc K., Fošnarič M. Hägerstrand H., Kralj-Iglič V. On the role of anisotropy of membrane constituents in formation of a membrane neck during budding of a multicomponent membrane. J. Biomech. 40: 579-585. pdf DOI
Iglič A., Lokar M., Babnik B., Slivnik T., Veranič P., Hägerstrand H., Kralj-Iglič V. Possible role of flexible red blood cell membrane nanodomains in the growth and stability of membrane nanotubes. Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases. 9: 14-23. pdf DOI
Iglič A., Slivnik T., Kralj-Iglič V. Elastic properties of biological membranes influenced by attached proteins. J. Biomech. 40: 2492-2500. pdf DOI
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Urbanija J., Tomšič N., Lokar M., Ambrožič A., Čučnik S., Rozman B., Kandušer M., Iglič A., Kralj-Iglič V. Coalescence of phospholipid membranes as a possible origin of anticoagulant effect of serum proteins Chem. Phys. Lipids. 150: 49-57. pdf DOI
Iglič A., Hägerstrand H., Veranič P., Plemenitaš A., Kralj-Iglič V. Curvature-induced accumulation of anisotropic membrane components and raft formation in cylindrical membrane protrusions. J. Theor. Biol. 2006;240: 368–373. pdf DOI
Bohinc K., Lombardo D., Kralj-Iglič V., Fošnarič M., May S., Pernuš F., Hägerstrand H., Iglič A. Shape variation of bilayer membrane daughter vesicle induced by anisotropic membrane inclusions. Cell. Mol. Biol. Lett. 2006;11: 90-101. pdf DOI
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Iglič A., Kralj-Iglič V. Budding of liposomes - role of intrinsic shape of membrane constituents. In: Advances in planar lipid bilayers and liposomes. (Editor: Ottova-Leitmannova A.), Elsevier. 2006;4: 253-279. pdf DOI
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Ambrožič A., Čučnik S., Tomšič N., Urbanija J., Lokar M., Babnik B., Rozman B., Iglič A., Kralj-Iglič V. Interaction of giant phospholipid vesicles containing cardiolipin and cholesterol with ß2-glycoprotein-I and anti-ß2-glycoprotein-I antibodies. Autoim. Rev.2006; 6: 10-15. pdf DOI
Kralj-Iglič V., Iglič A., Hägerstrand H., Bobrowska-Hägerstrand M. Hipoteza o nanostrukturah celi?nih in fosfolipidnih membran kot infrastrukturi celice / Hypothesis on nanostructures of cell and phospholipid membranes as cell infrastructure. Med. Razgl. 2005;44, 2: 155-169. pdf
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Iglič A., Tzaphlidou M., Remškar M., Babnik B., Daniel M., Kralj-Iglič V. Stable Shapes of Thin Anisotropic Nano-strips. Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Carbon. Nanostruct. 2005;13: 183 – 192. pdf DOI
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Clinical biomechanics of the hip
Bracun S, Romolo A, Rehakova V, Leban J, Puksic Z, Vengust R, Daniel M, Kralj-Iglič V, Drab M. Correlation between sagittal balance and thoracolumbar elastic energy parameters in 42 spines subject to spondylolisthesis or spinal stenosis and 21 normal spines. Heliyon, 2024; 10: 19e38469. DOI
Antolič S, Bakaršič S, Bilać N, Črček N, Delić S, Draškovič N, Ferlič M, Gorišek T, Kostanjšek L, Kovačević L, Krajnc N, Kutnar N, Lavriša F, Pavlič L, Pavlinič N, Prus A, Rebolj O, Selimanović N, Šalinović M, Turk K, Urbančič T, Vodopivec E, Vojska H, Vovk V, Zevnik T, Žuran E, Romolo A, Pluhar H, Kralj-Iglič V. Special Biomechanics at the 7th Socratic Lectures Proceedings of Socratic Lectures. 2022; 7: 129-135. pdf DOI
Uršič B, Kocjančič B, Romolo A, Iglič A, Kralj-Iglič V, Zupanc O Assessment of coxarthritis risk with dimensionless biomechanical parameters Act Bioeng Biomech 2021 pdf DOI
Močilnik A, Janša J, Kocjančič B, Kralj-Iglič V, Dolinar D. Secondary hip dysplasia increases risk for early coxarthritis after Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. A study of 255 hips. Comp Meth Biomec Biom Eng. 2019;22: 1107-1115. pdf DOI
Tomaževič M, Kaiba T, Kurent U, Trebše R, Cimerman M, Kralj-Iglič V. Hip stress distribution - predictor of dislocation in hip arthroplasties. A retrospective study of 149 arthroplasties. PloS one. 2019;14: 1-13. pdf DOI
Kralj-Iglič, V. Understanding hip biomechanics: from simple equilibrium to personalized HIPSTRESS method. Rijeka: InTech. (Spasovski D, Ed). 2017; Pages 15-35. pdf DOI
Kralj-Iglič V. Validation of mechanical hypothesis of hip arthritis development by HIPSTRESS method. Osteoarthritis: progress in basic research and treatment. Rijeka: Intech. (Chen Q, Ed). 2015;131-156. pdf DOI
Rijavec B, Košak R, Daniel M, Kralj-Iglič V, Dolinar D. Effect of cup inclination on predicted contact stress-induced volumetric wear in total hip replacement. Comp Meth Biomec Biom Eng. 2015;18:1468-1473. DOI
Kocjančič B, Moličnik A, Antolič V, Mavčič B, Kralj-Iglič V, Vengust R. Unfavorable hip stress distribution after Legg-Calvé-Perthes syndrome: a 25-year follow-up of 135 hips. J Orthop Res. 2014;32: 8-16. pdf DOI
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